
Vincenzo Bossotti

We are a family run winery and we produce the wines of our territory.

The winery is in Cisterna d’Asti, a small village that is 375 meters above sea level, in the province of Asti on the border of the province of Cuneo. The vineyards are pruned the ‘Guyot’ way and cover a surface of about 10 hectares, all grown on ideal steep hills with traditional varieties: Nebbiolo, Barbera, Arneis and the indigenous grape Croatina.

We believe in the ethics connected to working with nature by balancing respect and collaboration. In our vineyards we don’t use herbicides or any products that leave residuals in our wines.


ANNUAL PRODUCTION: 65.000 bottles

Vincenzo Bossotti Vignaiolo Soc. Agr. s.s.

Via XXIV Maggio 32/34 - 14010 Cisterna d'Asti